best Jethro Tull songs (A-Z) ↓↓↓

Jethro Tull

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We've meticulously organized our extensive library for your convenience. Explore best Jethro Tull songs sorted by popularity to easily find the tracks that resonate most with listeners, or browse through our alphabetical (A-Z) listing to discover hidden gems and classic favorites alike. Whether you’re a long-time fan or new to Jethro Tull music, there’s something for everyone to enjoy.


Jethro Tull • Back—door Angels

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Jethro Tull info & bio

best Jethro Tull songs (A-Z) Jethro Tull are a British rock band formed in Blackpool, Lancashire in 1967. Initially playing blues rock and jazz fusion, the band soon incorporated elements of English folk music, hard rock and classical music, forging a signature progressive rock sound. The group's founder, bandleader, principal composer, lead vocalist, and only constant member is Ian Anderson, a multi-instrumentalist who mainly plays flute and acoustic guitar. The group has featured a succession of musicians throughout the decades, including significant contributors such as guitarists Mick Abrahams and Martin Barre (with Barre being the longest-serving member besides Anderson); bassists Glenn Cornick, Jeffrey Hammond, John Glascock, Dave Pegg, Jonathan Noyce, and David Goodier; drummers Clive Bunker, Barrie "Barriemore" Barlow and Doane Perry; and keyboardists John Evan, Dee Palmer, Peter-John Vettese, Andrew Giddings, and John O'Hara.

The band achieved moderate recognition in the London club scene and released their debut album, This Was, in 1968. After a line-up change which saw original guitarist Mick Abrahams replaced by Martin Barre, the band released a folk-tinged second album, Stand Up, in 1969. Stand Up, which reached No. 1 in the UK, gave the band their first commercial success. The band soon embarked on a heavy schedule of touring and recording, releasing one studio album every year until 1980. Their musical style shifted in the direction of progressive rock starting with Aqualung (1971), which went on to become the band's most commercially successful album. Their musical style shifted again to folk rock in the late 1970s. In the early 1980s the band underwent a major line-up change and began to lean into electronic rock. The band won their sole Grammy Award for the 1987 album Crest of a Knave, which saw them returning to a hard-rock style. Jethro Tull have sold an estimated 60 million albums worldwide, with 11 gold and 5 platinum albums. They have been described by Rolling Stone as "one of the most commercially successful and eccentric progressive rock bands".

The band ceased studio recording activity in the 2000s, but continued to tour until splitting in 2011. Following the band's split, Anderson and Barre continued to record and tour as solo artists, with Anderson's band billed variously as both "Jethro Tull" and "Ian Anderson" solo. Anderson said in 2014 that Jethro Tull had come "more or less to an end". Starting in 2017 however, Anderson revived the Jethro Tull name and returned to releasing new studio albums in the 2020s. The current group includes musicians who were part of Jethro Tull during the last years of its initial run, as well as newer musicians associated with Anderson's solo band, without Barre's involvement.

Jethro Tull photo, info & bio are courtesy of Wikipedia
Jethro Tull videos are courtesy of YouTube