best Barry White songs (A-Z) ↓↓↓

Barry White

Scroll down and discover the best Barry White songs (A-Z)!
We've meticulously organized our extensive library for your convenience. Explore best Barry White songs sorted by popularity to easily find the tracks that resonate most with listeners, or browse through our alphabetical (A-Z) listing to discover hidden gems and classic favorites alike. Whether you’re a long-time fan or new to Barry White music, there’s something for everyone to enjoy.


Barry White • You’re The First, The Last, My Everything

Barry White info & bio

best Barry White songs (A-Z) Barry Eugene White (né Carter; September 12, 1944 – July 4, 2003) was an American singer and songwriter. A two-time Grammy Award winner known for his bass voice and romantic image, his greatest success came in the 1970s as a solo singer and with the Love Unlimited Orchestra, crafting many enduring R&B, soul, funk, and disco songs such as his two biggest hits: "Can't Get Enough of Your Love, Babe" and "You're the First, the Last, My Everything".

White recorded 20 studio albums during the course of his career, but multiple versions and compilations were released worldwide that were certified gold, 41 of which also attained platinum status. White had 20 gold and 10 platinum singles, with worldwide record sales in excess of 100 million records, and is one of the best-selling music artists of all time. His influences included James Cleveland, Ray Charles, Aretha Franklin, the Supremes, the Four Tops, and Marvin Gaye.

Barry White photo, info & bio are courtesy of Wikipedia
Barry White videos are courtesy of YouTube