best Katie Melua songs (A-Z) ↓↓↓

Katie Melua

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We've meticulously organized our extensive library for your convenience. Explore best Katie Melua songs sorted by popularity to easily find the tracks that resonate most with listeners, or browse through our alphabetical (A-Z) listing to discover hidden gems and classic favorites alike. Whether you’re a long-time fan or new to Katie Melua music, there’s something for everyone to enjoy.


Katie Melua

Katie Melua info & bio

best Katie Melua songs (A-Z) Ketevan "Katie" Melua (; Georgian: ქეთევან "ქეთი" მელუა, IPA: [kʰetʰevan melua]; born 16 September 1984) is a British singer and songwriter. She was born in Kutaisi, Georgia and raised in Belfast and London. Under the management of composer Mike Batt, she was signed to the small Dramatico record label. She made her musical debut in 2003 and within three years, she was the United Kingdom's best-selling female artist as well as Europe's highest selling European female artist.

In November 2003, Melua released her first album, Call Off the Search, which reached the top of the United Kingdom album charts and sold 1.8 million copies in its first five months of release. Her second album, Piece by Piece, was released in September 2005, and to date has gone platinum (one million units sold) four times. She released her third studio album Pictures in October 2007.

According to the Sunday Times Rich List 2008, Melua had amassed a fortune of £18 million, making her the seventh-richest British musician under the age of 30.

She possesses a mezzo-soprano vocal range.

Katie Melua photo, info & bio are courtesy of Wikipedia
Katie Melua videos are courtesy of YouTube