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We've meticulously organized our extensive library for your convenience. Explore best Il Divo songs sorted by popularity to easily find the tracks that resonate most with listeners, or browse through our alphabetical (A-Z) listing to discover hidden gems and classic favorites alike. Whether you’re a long-time fan or new to Il Divo music, there’s something for everyone to enjoy.
Il Divo (Italian pronunciation: [il ˈdiːvo]; transl. "The Star") are a multi-national classical crossover vocal group. Formed in the United Kingdom in 2003, Il Divo is a male quartet consisting of Swiss tenor Urs Bühler, American tenor David Miller, French tenor Sébastien Izambard, and American baritone Steven LaBrie. The group previously included Spanish baritone Carlos Marín until his death in 2021 from COVID-19 and replacement by LaBrie in 2023. Il Divo was created and promoted by Simon Cowell for the label Syco Music (a subsidiary of Sony Music).
As of 2021, the group released ten studio albums: Il Divo (2004), The Christmas Collection (2005), Ancora (2005), Siempre (2006), The Promise (2008), Wicked Game (2011), A Musical Affair (2013), Amor & Pasión (2015), Timeless (2018), and For Once in My Life: A Celebration of Motown (2021); as well as a compilation album, The Greatest Hits (2012). Two other albums – An Evening with Il Divo: Live in Barcelona (2009) and Live in Japan (2014) – presented recordings of live concerts. The group has also collaborated with other artists.
Since its inception, Il Divo has enjoyed success worldwide, selling over 30 million copies of their albums worldwide. With 160 certified gold and platinum hits in 35 countries, the group has pioneered the genre of operatic pop, or "popera", in classical crossover music.
Il Divo's live concerts sold over two million concert tickets worldwide just from the group's first four albums. In its first world tour, concerts in 69 cities in 18 countries were sold out.