best Salvatore Adamo songs (A-Z) ↓↓↓

Salvatore Adamo

Scroll down and discover the best Salvatore Adamo songs (A-Z)!
We've meticulously organized our extensive library for your convenience. Explore best Salvatore Adamo songs sorted by popularity to easily find the tracks that resonate most with listeners, or browse through our alphabetical (A-Z) listing to discover hidden gems and classic favorites alike. Whether you’re a long-time fan or new to Salvatore Adamo music, there’s something for everyone to enjoy.


Salvatore Adamo

Salvatore Adamo info & bio

best Salvatore Adamo songs (A-Z) Salvatore Adamo (November 1, 1943) is a Belgian-Italian musician, singer and composer, who is known for his romantic ballads. Adamo was born in Comiso, Sicily, Italy, and has lived in Belgium since the age of three, which is why he has dual citizenship. Through his career, he sold more than 80 million albums and 20 million singles worldwide, making him the best-selling Belgian artist of all time, and one of the most commercially successful musicians in the world.

He first gained popularity throughout Europe and later in the Middle East, Latin America, Japan, and the United States. Adamo mainly performs in French but has also sung in Italian, Dutch, English, German, Spanish, Japanese, and Turkish. "Tombe la neige", "La nuit", "Vous permettez, Monsieur?", "Inch'Allah" and "Petit bonheur" remain his best known songs.

Since 2001 Adamo holds the Belgian noble title of Ridder, similar to the English title of "Knight".

Salvatore Adamo photo, info & bio are courtesy of Wikipedia
Salvatore Adamo videos are courtesy of YouTube